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U. S. Steel's Lone Star Tubular Operations Receives CEO's Safety Excellence Award

The award is presented annually to the U. S. Steel facility with the best safety record in the company.
Among those scheduled to participate in the ceremony on 27 March 2014 were Mario Longhi, president and chief executive officer of United States Steel Corporation; David L. Britten, senior vice president – tubular operations; Texas state representatives Bryan Hughes and David Simpson; Brent Sansing, general manager of Lone Star Tubular Operations; and employees of U. S. Steel.

United States Steel Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pa., is a leading integrated steel producer and Fortune 200 company with major production operations in the United States, Canada and Central Europe and an annual raw steelmaking capability of 27 million net tons. The company manufactures a wide range of value-added steel sheet and tubular products for the automotive, appliance, container, industrial machinery, construction, and oil and gas industries.