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U. S. Steel President Testifies Before Commission in OCTG Trade Case

The company, the largest integrated producer of tubular products headquartered in the United States, is a petitioner in the case.
Longhi's statement follows:
"We appreciated the opportunity to testify before the International Trade Commission (ITC) today to present compelling evidence of the significant, material harm inflicted upon the domestic steel industry by companies from nine countries. We have faith in the process, and the diligent and conscientious work of the ITC. We remain confident that this esteemed body will find that domestic OCTG producers have been materially harmed as a result of unfairly traded products. 
"We are deeply grateful for the support of our partners at the United Steelworkers, who joined us in testifying today and shared how their members — our employees — have suffered as a result of this surge of unfairly traded products."