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U. S. Steel Kicks Off Pig Iron Caster Build

During a recent event at the Indiana mill, U. S. Steel president and chief executive David Burritt said the pig iron produced at the Gary Works will cover up to 50% of Big River Steel's ore-based metallics needs.

“Mined, melted and made in America has always been important to us, and recent world events have demonstrated how critical self-reliance is,” said Burritt. 

“This investment at Gary Works, to create the necessary material for our lower-emissions electric arc furnaces, is the perfect example of combining the best of integrated and mini mill technologies. It’s also helping propel our transition to our ambitious Best for All strategy. We’re committed to a future of driving profitable steel solutions for people and the planet.”

Preliminary work began in the first quarter of this year, and the project is expected to be completed in early 2023.