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U.S. Steel Industry Applauds Wire Rod Imports Decision

“A number of our steel producing members have been adversely impacted by the dumping of wire rod by China, and we are pleased that the Department of Commerce recognized the severity of the dumping taking place,” said Thomas J. Gibson, AISI president and CEO. “Significant duties are necessary to offset the level of dumping taking place, which has injured the American steel industry and our workers. The DOC decision yesterday is a significant step in ensuring aggressive enforcement of our trade laws.”
The DOC determined that carbon and certain alloy steel wire rod from China had been sold in the United States at dumping margins ranging from 106.19% to 110.25%, and that Chinese producers and exporters of these products have received subsidies ranging from 178.46% to 193.31%.
“Our steel producers can compete against anyone in the world, if the rules of international trade against dumping and subsidies are enforced. This decision is a positive step in our ongoing efforts to enhance our industry’s competitiveness and put us on a level playing field,” Gibson concluded.