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U. S. Steel Celebrates Safe 2019

In a statement, the company said it finished 2019 with an OSHA Days Away rate of 0.10, seven times better that the industry average reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

“Notably, U. S. Steel’s Tubular Operations and U. S. Steel Košice each completed the year with zero Days Away From Work cases, while other facilities substantially improved their year-over-year performance to exceed safety targets. U. S. Steel also improved its total OSHA recordable injury rate, which was nearly three times better than the BLS industry average of 2.7.” 

Chief executive officer David Burritt said safety remains the company’s primary core value. 

“Every employee who works in one of our facilities has the right to return home safely at the end of every day, and I am grateful to all of our employees for the extraordinary safety performance in 2019,” he said. 

Burritt said recognition is especially due to the United Steelworkers union for its leadership in improving safety and driving floor-level engagement activities. 

“I would like to thank the United Steelworkers for their leadership in this effort, which brings us ever closer to achieving our ultimate goal of zero injuries companywide,” he said.