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U. S. Steel, Energy Department Team Up for Carbon Sequestration Tech Test

Under a collaboration with the Energy Department’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), researchers will field test an permeable polymer membrane that can separate CO2 from industrial emissions sources, allowing it to be sequestered and permanently stored or reused.
“Using our technology, we hope to generate a high-purity CO2 with a low percentage of nitrogen from flue gas so it can be safely and permanently stored in deep geologic formations or used as a feedstock to manufacture valuable fuels and chemicals and for other productive purposes,” said David Hopkinson, the laboratory’s technical portfolio lead for its point source carbon capture program. 
Scott D. Buckiso, senior vice president and chief manufacturing officer for U. S. Steel’s North American flat-rolled segment, said the project is an opportunity to help shape the steel industry’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gases.  
“Our collaboration with NETL marks a great step forward in U. S. Steel’s ambition to achieving net zero by 2050,” said  Buckiso. “Meeting our net-zero goal will take innovation, and our Edgar Thomson plant in the Mon Valley will play a significant role in exploring this crucial technology,” he said.