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Turkish Steel Exporters' Association Responds to Decision in Canada Rebar Case

"On behalf of our member-companies, we are pleased that the Tribunal has confirmed that concrete reinforcing bar imported from Turkey did not cause injury to the Canadian steel industry during the period of inquiry," said Namik Ekinci, chairman of the Turkish Steel Exporters' Association.  "We will await the Tribunal's detailed reasons with respect to its findings on threat of injury before determining potential next steps."
The Tribunal's finding follows the recent decision by the Canada Border Services Agency to terminate its investigations into the alleged subsidizing of concrete reinforcing bar and certain oil country tubular goods originating from the Republic Turkey.
"The Turkish Steel Exporters' Association supports free and fair trade, and is proud of the work our members are doing in partnership with Canadian companies in Canada, in Turkey and around the world," said Mr. Ekinci. "Working together, Canadian and Turkish companies are not only creating pipelines and bridges, but also high skilled jobs in both our countries."
As part of the Turkish Steel Exporters Association's continuing efforts to strengthen bilateral trade between Canada and Turkey, Mr. Ekinci will lead an industry delegation on a visit to Ottawa later this month.  The delegation will meet with both public and private sector stakeholders, and will be available to the media.