Turkish Plant Upgrades Environmental Controls
04/09/2019 - Turkey’s Karabük Demir Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. has equipped the sinter plants at its iron and steel works with new offgas cleaning systems, reports the equipment supplier, Primetals Technologies.
According to Primetals Technologies, the three MEROS offgas plants were started up in December, February and March. Utilizing sodium bicarbonate as a desulphurization agent, the plants are designed to treat 400,000 Nm³/h of sinter offgas.
Primetals Technologies was responsible for the engineering and supply of key equipment, including sodium bicarbonate dosing and milling, filter heads, bags, cages, electrics, and automation. It also advised on the cold and hot commissioning.
Primetals Technologies said the new plants represent the fourth implementation of sodium bicarbonate desulphurization.