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Turkish Mills Remain Shut in Earthquake’s Aftermath

“Producers in the region have focused on rescue efforts and life support services in recent days, as many workers and their families have been affected by the earthquakes,” Turkish Steel Producers Association General Secretary Veysel Yayan told S&P.

In a separate interview with Bloomberg News, Yayan said many employed in the industry or family members of those in the industry have died, and survivors are struggling.

“All steelmakers in the area are closed,” he told Bloomberg.. “The plants may remain shut at least until the end of this month, or possibly until mid-March,” he said.

In response to the earthquakes, ArcelorMittal said Thursday it is donating US$5 million to relief efforts. The donation is to be split equally between the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

“The devastation in Turkey and Syria is heartbreaking. The donations to the DEC and MSF, organizations doing incredible work on the ground, we hope will make a small positive difference to helping the people of Turkey and Syria,” said ArcelorMittal chief executive Aditya Mittal.