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Tiantie Starts up New Danieli Ladle Refining Stations

Tiantie, P.R. of China, recently processed its first heats on two new ladle refining stations installed by Danieli Centro Met at the Tiantie Hot Rolling Mill Co. Ltd. steelworks.
The new inert roof-type LF units each consist of a of a 180-tonne nominal capacity ladle furnace. The units are designed to process up to 76 ladles/day of liquid steel coming from two BOF converters, granting a heating rate higher than 4° C/minute. The new units are also designed to provide over 70% sulphur removal, and less than 5-ppm nitrogen pick-up.
Danieli Automation supplied the advanced Level 1 and 2 automation system.
Steel treated in the new ladle refining stations feeds existing casting and flat product rolling facilities. However, for certain highly demanding steel grades, the new LF units will be used in combination with an existing VD station.
The Tiantie Hot Rolling Mill steelworks’ product mix includes a wide range of steel grades for rolled strip and plate products, including high weather-resistant, boiler and pressure container, low alloy, pipelines, DP steels, strip for automobile structures, shipbuilding, and other similar demanding applications.