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thyssenkrupp to Use Climate-Neutral Lime for Steelmaking

According to a joint press release, the two companies said that thyssenkrupp Steel will now incorporate Lhoist’s LEVEL|BLUE® line of climate-neutral lime in its steelmaking operations. The LEVEL|BLUE product line is designed to avoid CO2 generation wherever possible through strategies such as use of renewable power, increased product efficiency and use of recycled products in place of raw materials. Any unavoidable CO2 emissions are reduced and compensated for through investment in climate protection projects in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) certification.

“We are right in the middle of the transformation to climate-neutral steel production,” said thyssenkrupp Steel’s head of procurement and supply management Jens Geimer. “… we also want to make our supply chains gradually climate neutral by 2050. To this end, we are closely working with our suppliers. We are pleased that we have found Lhoist as a partner in the lime sector to support us in achieving this goal.”

Read the full press release here.