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thyssenkrupp Teams With Electricity Producer on Hydrogen Development

According to thyssenkrupp, RWE already is planning to build electrolysis capacity that eventually could supply hydrogen to the blast furnace thyssenkrupp is looking to convert. A 100-MW electrolyzer could produce 1.7 metric tons of hydrogen per hour, corresponding to around 70% of the furnace’s need, thyssenkrupp said. 

“The planned cooperation with RWE is an important step on our path to climate neutrality,” said thyssenkrupp Steel chairman Bernhard Osburg.

“The aimed-for supply quantity would be largely sufficient to supply a blast furnace with green hydrogen and allow the production of climate-neutral steel for around 50,000 cars per year. This shows that climate-neutral steel is possible, and we are pressing ahead with the conversion of our production. Nowhere else than in the steel industry can hydrogen be used with a comparable climate protection effect.”