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thyssenkrupp Starts New Cold Rolling Mill 

According to Primetals Technologies, the double-reversing mill can roll strip down to an end thickness of 0.2 mm. But it also can roll heavier gauges, allowing for products that meet the highest-possible strength requirements.

“We are very excited to support thyssenkrupp Steel on its endeavor to further expand in the market for silicon steel,” said Hans-Jürgen Zeiher, head of electrics and automation at Primetals Technologies. 

“The need for advanced high-strength steel grades used in electrical vehicles is projected to rise to extremely high levels over the coming decades. This mill ensures that thyssenkrupp Steel is well-prepared to deliver thinner and lighter steel of very high quality – exactly the type of steel needed in electrical vehicles.”

Primetals Technologies supplied all of the mechanical equipment as well as the electrics and automation for the mill. It also was responsible for installation and implementation.

The cold mill was part of an order thyssenkrupp placed for a hot strip mill and two continuous casters. All the projects are scheduled to be completed over the course of 2025.

“thyssenkrupp Steel wants to significantly strengthen its capabilities in high-strength steels and electromobility so we can differentiate ourselves even more consistently through the quality of our products,” said thyssenkrupp Steel chief operations officer Heike Denecke-Arnold. “For example, with even thinner and stronger sheets, we want to further increase the energy efficiency and therefore the range of electric motors.”