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thyssenkrupp Signs Supply Contract for Electrolysis Plant

The project will be in the port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, according to a company press release.

thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers will be responsible for engineering, producing and fabricating a 200-MW electrolysis plant, the company said. This new plant is based on thyssenkrupp’s large-scale 20-MW alkaline water electrolysis module.

“We are looking forward to support building a major hydrogen hub in central Europe and to contribute to Europe’s transition to green energy,” said Christoph Noeres, head of Green Hydrogen at thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers. “With our large-scale standard module size, we will further strengthen Shell’s hydrogen strategy. Our partnership perfectly combines our engineering excellence with Shell’s competence of a large global energy player.”

Construction is likely to begin in spring 2022 and production is expected to start in 2024.  

Read the full press release here.