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thyssenkrupp Investing in New Slab Reheat Furnace

According to thyssenkrupp, the new walking beam furnace will replace the existing furnace at the Duisburg plant’s No. 2 strip mill. The project is meant to significantly improve the surface quality of premium sheets. 

“Through this investment, we are meeting the ever-increasing demands of our automotive customers for better surface qualities. We want to secure our technological leadership also in the next generation of high-end steels,” said thyssenkrupp Steel chief technical officer Arnd Köfler. 

thyssenkrupp didn’t disclose the project price tag, but said the investment would be in the tens of millions. It is scheduled for completion next year. 

The project is part of thyssenkrupp’s Steel Strategy 20-30, through which it intends to optimize its production network but orient its product portfolio toward profitable, value-added grades, such as multi-phase steels, lightweight construction steels and grades with a high surface quality, and non-oriented electrical steels.