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Tenova Goodfellow Applauds Canadian Government for Commitment to Support Sustainable Development

Tenova Goodfellow applauds Government of Canada for its renewed commitment to support Cleantech Canadian Companies through Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC).
On 21 March 2013, The Federal Government of Canada renewed its commitment to support the commercialization of innovative clean technologies with an additional $325 million investment over the next eight years towards the SD Tech Fund™. To date, SDTC has allocated $592 million to 245 clean technology projects, leveraged by $1.5 billion primarily from industry.
As project lead of two successful projects funded in part by SDTC, Tenova Goodfellow Inc. (TGI) understands the importance of government funded programs which has assisted TGI in creating strong inroads into the electric arc furnace (EAF), basic oxygen furnace (BOF) and cement industry sectors through accelerated development and commercialization of products like the i EAF, i Combustion and NextGen EAF technology, as well as to foster unique and important partnerships between industry, academia and government to capture a greater share of the global cleantech market.
“Government support through SDTC in the area of Cleantech has allowed Tenova Goodfellow to not only advance productivity from within, but also to gain strength on the global competitive stage through the development and launch of new technology offerings to our core markets,” states Dr. Howard Goodfellow, director for TGI. “Further to this, it becomes a win-win situation for everyone, resulting in increased competitiveness for our clients and environmental benefits.”
“We congratulate the Canadian Government on their continued commitment towards the development and commercialization of Canadian cleantech technology,” said Marcello Pozzi, TGI CEO. “The recapitalization of SDTC by the Federal Government remains increasingly important to foster Canadian innovation and commercialization for the cleantech industry within Canada and abroad.”

Tenova Goodfellow is part of the Tenova Iron & Steel Division and is world leader in the design and supply of innovative off-gas process control technology for the EAF and BOF steelmaking industries resulting in improved operations, energy savings, lower conversion costs and safety benefits.