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Tender Status of Mittal Offer for Arcelor

July 14, 2006 — Pursuant to applicable Luxembourg law, Mittal Steel Co. NV has informed the market that, to its knowledge, as of July 12, 2006 (one day prior to the closing of the offer), after closing of the markets in Europe, 109,306,317 Arcelor shares and 4,744,432 Arcelor convertible bonds have been tendered in its offer for such securities.

The number of Arcelor shares tendered in the offer represents 17.63% of the voting rights of Arcelor.[1]

Mittal Steel notes that, since the tender offer procedure is centralized, definitive information relating to the number of Arcelor securities tendered in the offer will be known only after the closing of the offer and after the centralization procedures have been completed. As a consequence, the figures set forth above cannot be relied upon as an accurate representation of the number of Arcelor securities actually tendered in the offer, nor as an indication of the possible result of the offer.

As from July 13, Mittal Steel will no longer issue daily reports on the tenders in the Offer. As from July 14, all tenders in the Offer will be centralized in each jurisdiction where the Offer has been made (i.e., Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Spain and the U.S.) and then by Societe Generale, acting as global centralizing agent for the offer. Once all of the tender information relating to the Offer has been centralized, the global centralizing agent will verify the tender information, count the tendered Arcelor securities, complete the pro-ration procedure among each of the secondary cash and exchange offers, and calculate the aggregate results of the offer, broken down by type of offer.

The centralization and calculation phase will take up to nine business days. The final results of the offer will be published on July 26, 2006.

While in the process of verifying and counting the Arcelor securities tendered in the offer, once the global centralizing agent has determined that, on a preliminary basis, the minimum tender condition of the offer (i.e., 50% of Arcelor outstanding shares on a fully diluted basis) is met, Mittal Steel will issue a press release to that effect.

As at the date hereof, Mittal Steel holds no Arcelor shares and no Arcelor convertible bonds.

Mittal Steel also notes that no offer to exchange or purchase any Arcelor shares or convertible bonds has been or will be made in The Netherlands or in any jurisdiction other than Luxembourg, Belgium, Spain, France and the United States. The company notes that this announcement does not constitute an offer to exchange or purchase any Arcelor shares or convertible bonds.

[1] Based on a total number of 639,774,327 issued shares and excluding 19,771,296 shares held as treasury shares (which have no voting right); both figures being as of December 31, 2005 and published in Arcelor 2005 Annual Report.

Mittal Steel has operations in sixteen countries, on four continents. Mittal Steel encompasses all aspects of modern steel making, to produce a comprehensive portfolio of both flat and long steel products to meet a wide range of customer needs. It serves all the major steel consuming sectors, including automotive, appliance, machinery and construction. For 2005, Mittal Steel had revenues of US$28.1 billion and steel shipments of 49.2 million tons.