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Tata Steel Modernizes Continuous Annealing Line

Primetals Technologies was contracted to upgrade the systems serving the line, which consists of an entry section; strip cleaning; furnace; 2-stand, 6-high temper mill; and exit section with magnetic belt transfer. The work included updates to the human-machine interfaces, new motor drives and installation of a new safety control system.

Primetals said it supplied 239 motor drives and swapped out 153 gear motors.

The project was completed within 14 months, and the line reached its initial production levels within three weeks of start-up.

The No. 12 line provides about half of Tata Steel Packaging’s annealing and secondary cold rolling capacity. The division produces high-performance steel for the canning industry. The control modernization is intended to ensure proper operation of the line for the next 20 years, according to Primetals Technologies.