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Tata Steel Kicks Off Green Month at West Bokaro Division

Tata Steel, including all of its units and raw materials divisions, is gearing up for the observation of World Environment Day this Friday, June 5,
The company kicked off its month-long celebration commemorating World Environment Day at its West Bokaro Division by unfurling a flag to usher in “Green Month”. The flag was unfurled by West Bokaro Division’s General Manager, Awadesh Kumar Ojha, officially beginning a month-long series of activities that will help the Division to observe the Day.
In addition to its employees, the Division also intends to include other citizens, especially school children, in its effort to spread awareness about conservation of environment. Addressing the gathering, Samir Chatterjee, Chief of Planning, said that the Division aims to plant 100,000 saplings before the monsoon this year.
Tata Steel’s West Bokaro Division operates fully mechanized eco-friendly open cast mines producing 5.5 million tonnes of raw coal each year. This colliery is also the proud owner of the country's first washery. The Division is making remarkable contributions toward achieving the company's goal to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to 1.5 tonnes/tonne of liquid steel vs. the current 1.8 tonnes/tonne of liquid steel by 2012.
The West Bokaro Division is the first in the coal industry to be certified by Environment Management System ISO-14001. It has earned the Indira Priyadarshini Vriksha Mitra Award, and also achieved the second position for excellence in water harvesting by Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board, National Energy Award, National Safety Award, PM Shram awards and OHSAS (Occupational Health, Safety Assessment Series) 18001.
The West Bokaro Division’s flag unfurling ceremony was attended by a number of company executives, S S P Singh, Secretary, Rashtriya Colliery Mazdoor Sangh (RCMS), officers, union leaders and other employees of the division. Following this, all departmental heads unfurled green flags in their respective departments.