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Tata Steel Inaugurates New Hospital Facilities

HM Nerurkar, Managing Director of Tata Steel, inaugurated two new facilities at Tata Main Hospital (TMH), Jamshedpur, on January 2. He dedicated “Ashraya,” a new shelter/resting area for relatives of outstation patients, and a new High Dependency Unit (HDU) with 40 beds at the 2B Post Operative Ward in the JGMH building dedicated to serving patients after surgery as well as injured patients.
These new facilities also address the need for more critical care beds in TMH’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Critical Care Unit (CCU). HDU facilities include availability of a number of monitors, piped oxygen, compressed air and vacuum as well as ventilators.
Nerurkar, in his address to the audience, mentioned the ongoing plans to rejuvenate the hospital, its facilities, and the capabilities of the 104-year-old hospital for the future. At the venue, display boards explained the new initiatives undertaken by TMH.
Sanjiv Paul, Vice President (Corporate Services) Tata Steel; AM Mishra, Vice President (CSI & IR) Tata Steel; Manish Sharma, Managing Director (JUSCO); along with the senior management of TMH, various personnel from Corporate Services division, JUSCO and from other divisions of Tata Steel also attended the event.