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Tata Steel Celebrates Environment Month in June

Tata Environment Month is an initiative the company launched last year to mark the annual World Environment Day on June 5. This year the company is demonstrating how its activities and products contribute to a more sustainable world.
Throughout June, Tata Steel plans to demonstrate how the steel industry can be a key part of a more sustainable, lower carbon world. The company makes the claim, for example, that “renewable energy needs steel.” Wind towers, wave turbines, and solar panels are all built using the material, and converting this energy into electricity needs specialist electrical steels, such as those made by Cogent Power, Tata Steel’s electrical steels business in South Wales and in Sweden.
Tata Steel’s products are used by leading wind turbine manufacturers. Steel plate manufactured by the company’s European Long Products business is used in onshore and offshore wind towers and foundations around the world. Alloy steels made by the Specialty Steels business in South Yorkshire is used in wind turbine gearing and mechanisms.
The company’s steel is being used in other renewable technologies such as wave power and tidal flows—for example, in schemes such as the Pelamis “wave farm” in Scotland.
Tata Steel has also made significant commitments to developing technologies to serve the solar energy, transportation, and packaging industries. For example, the company is working to develop lighter steel packaging solutions that can reduce the carbon footprint by using less raw material and energy in production and transport. The average 425-ml food can is now 35% lighter than 20 years ago, according to Tata Steel.