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SunCoke Energy Provides Estimate on First Quarter Coke Production

SunCoke Energy, Inc. reported that domestic coke production for first quarter 2013 is expected to be 1,051,000 tons down from 1,068,000 tons in first quarter 2012. The year-over-year change reflects the benefit of an extra day of production in first quarter 2012 due to leap year, adding nearly 12,000 tons to prior year’s production. Also contributing to the decline was lower production at its Indiana Harbor facility, partly offset by higher production at Middletown.
Domestic capacity utilization in first quarter 2013 is estimated to be 101%, unchanged from the same prior year period.

Domestic Coke Production and Capacity Utilization

Q1 2013

Q1 2012

Coke Production (thousand of tons)



Capacity Utilization (percent)



Beginning in the first quarter 2013, the company has combined its Jewell Coke and Other Domestic Coke segments into one segment called Domestic Coke due to the similarities of operations and contracts between the two segments. Prior year periods have been adjusted to reflect this change.

SunCoke Energy, Inc.
is the largest independent producer of coke in the Americas, with 50 years of experience supplying coke to the integrated steel industry. Its advanced, heat recovery cokemaking process produces high-quality coke for use in steelmaking, captures waste heat for derivative energy resale and meets or exceeds environmental standards. Its U.S. cokemaking facilities are located in Virginia, Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. Outside the U.S., it has cokemaking operations in Vitoria, Brazil and Odisha, India. Its coal mining operations, which have more than 110 million tons of proven and probable reserves, are located in Virginia and West Virginia.