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SunCoke Energy Expects Lower Year-on-Year Domestic Coke Production in Q4 2013

Full year coke 2013 production is expected to be 4,269,000 tons, down approximately 73,000 tons compared to 2012. The change in both periods reflects the significant refurbishment underway at the company’s Indiana Harbor cokemaking facility, which resulted in lower production at this facility of 39,000 tons and 106,000 tons in the quarter and year, respectively. Offsetting this was higher production at the Jewell cokemaking facility in the quarter and higher production at Jewell, Middletown and Haverhill in the year.
Domestic capacity utilization in fourth quarter and full year 2013 is estimated to be 99% and 101%, respectively, as compared to 101% and 102% in the same respective prior year periods.
Preliminary Domestic Coke Production and Capacity Utilization
    For quarter ended   For year ended
    31 December   31 December
(Coke production in ‘000s of tons)   2013(1)   2012   2013(1)   2012
Domestic Coke Production (2)   1,056   1,082   4,269   4,342
Capacity Utilization (%)   99   101   101   102
(1) Estimated
(2) Includes estimated coke production attributable to SunCoke Energy Partners, L.P. of 289,000 tons in fourth quarter 2013 and 1,163,000 tons in full year 2013, compared to 288,000 tons and 1,148,000 tons for the same respective prior year periods