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Study: Smart Automation Is Coming, But the World Isn't Prepared for It

“In assessing the existence of policy and strategy in the areas of innovation, education and the labor market, the study finds that little policy is in place today that specifically addresses the challenges of AI- and robotics-based automation. No country has yet to ‘take the bull by horns’ in the view of several experts interviewed for the study,” the study’s authors write. 

The study looked at “government-led efforts to anticipate the resulting changes and shape the outcomes of technological progress” in 25 countries, including the U.S., which, incidentally, ranked 9th in terms of readiness for intelligent automation.  

Generally, though, the study found that no one country is fully prepared for the challenges and opportunities that will arise. 

“A small handful, however, including South Korea, Germany and Singapore – the overall index leaders – have undertaken individual initiatives in areas such as curriculum reform, lifelong learning, occupational training and workplace flexibility,” the authors wrote.
You can find the study and read more about its conclusions here.