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Students Rate ArcelorMittal Poland Among Top Employers

The most recent annual survey carried out by consulting company Universum among students in various countries shows ArcelorMittal is respected as one of the top 50 ideal employers in Poland and in South Africa.
Universum lists companies that students believe are attractive companies to start a career in. The students are surveyed mainly for three fields — business, IT and engineering, but also in humanities and law in some countries.
A few trends have been emerging in surveys of recent years, say Universum: that it is very important for students to work for a company which will give the possibility of permanent employment and a global career; the latter helping how our company is perceived since we are active in 60 countries.
This year 25,500 students in Poland expressed their opinion in the survey. ArcelorMittal Poland was rated 14th out of 100 companies in the category of engineering.
This was an improvement of 17 places; up from being 31st last year. Construction company Skanska, KGHM (copper mining), PGE (the state-owned Polish Energy Group) were the top three in the category while consumer giants Samsung Electronics Polska, Volvo Group and Nestle trailed ArcelorMittal.
“Our wide offering of local internships helps develop local talent and youth, but also helps ArcelorMittal have a pipeline of bright, young minds who gain a lot and learn about the company, and in turn want to work for us upon graduation,” points out Monika Roznerska, HR director at ArcelorMittal Poland.