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Stelco Court Monitor Files 20th Report

Stelco Inc.’s court-appointed Monitor has filed its twentieth Report regarding the company's Court-supervised restructuring. The Report provides an update on the capital raising process, in particular the review process and results for Phase II of the process.

The Report focuses on the general process of the bid analysis conducted by the Monitor and the company's financial advisor, UBS. The Report also details the subsequent review process conducted by Stelco's Board of Directors, which resulted in their decision to not select any of the offers as a prevailing offer in the Capital Process Order.

Full text of the Monitor’s Seventeenth Report can be accessed through links available on the Court Monitor’s website or Stelco's website.

Stelco Inc. is a large, diversified steel producer involved in major segments of the steel industry through its integrated steel business, minimills, and manufactured products businesses.