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Stelco and Local 8782 Begin Negotiations for Lake Erie Agreement

Stelco Inc. announced that the company and Local 8782 have begun negotiations to renew the collective agreement at Stelco's Lake Erie facility.

"We've now exchanged proposals and will proceed with what I hope will be a constructive dialogue,” explained Courtney Pratt, Stelco President and CEO.

“We share a common interest — the long-term viability of a Stelco that can compete and succeed in all market conditions. There's too much at stake to settle for anything less than a positive and responsible outcome for everyone concerned.

“I look forward to achieving that outcome with our union Locals, employees and other stakeholders,” comments Pratt. “We owe it to them to make the best of this opportunity.”

At a joint news conference held at Local 8782's Hamilton offices, Stelco President and CEO Courtney Pratt, Chief Restructuring Officer Hap Stephen, and Local 8782 President Bill Ferguson indicated that they had exchanged proposals concerning a new collective agreement. The process will also include discussions of the company's current Court-supervised restructuring and other matters.

A framework for these discussions was established by the company and its USWA Locals on June 23, 2004. The agreement provides the terms and conditions governing the parties for the period ending September 30, 2004. Subsequent to entering into the agreement the company and Local 8782 concluded a Memorandum of Agreement for these negotiations and prepared the proposals that have now been exchanged.

Under the June agreement, Stelco and Local 8782 agreed, in the interest of providing certainty for customers, to provide 90 days prior written notice of any potential lockout or work stoppage respectively. The parties intend to address all outstanding grievances from the 2000 Basic Agreement during the course of these discussions.

The parties have agreed to a communications blackout during the negotiations except where they mutually agree to such communications or provide each other with 24 hours notice.

Stelco Inc. is a large, diversified steel producer involved in major segments of the steel industry through its integrated steel business, minimills, and manufactured products businesses.