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Steelworkers will ‘Keep the Door Open’ for Dofasco Employees

The United Steelworkers (USW) says it is stepping back from a process that may have led to a union for employees of ArcelorMittal Dofasco.
"Last week we introduced to you a new process that our union developed," said USW Ontario/Atlantic Director Wayne Fraser in a letter circulated to employees via ArcelorMittal's in-plant intranet system. "It was designed to give you a unique opportunity to actually negotiate improvements to your current package before deciding whether you wanted to join our union.
"At the beginning of this process we pledged to you that we wouldn't proceed to bargaining if there wasn't sufficient support to move forward. Following up on that commitment to you, it has become clear that at this time there is not enough support to move to the collective bargaining step."
Fraser said the union initiated the unique process of in-plant engagement of ArcelorMittal Dofasco workers by virtue of the 'neutrality language' negotiated with predecessor companies to ArcelorMittal in the U.S. Neutrality allows access to employees without interference by the company. In the Dofasco scenario, neutrality rights were improved to fit the unique circumstances of Dofasco workers, whose company had a long non-union history in a heavily-unionized Canadian steel sector.
According to Fraser, the union had timed the process so that if there were sufficient interest, collective bargaining could be coordinated with the timing of the union’s major bargaining efforts with other ArcelorMittal facilities. "We have judged that there is not sufficient support for collective bargaining at this time," said Fraser. He said that the USW will continue to work with supportive ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees, especially as the union heads into negotiations in the U.S. The major contract covering the company's steelmaking operations expires in September.
"We would like to thank all those workers who took the time to engage in discussions with us. Our Steelworker team enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you in your workplace. The USW door remains open to all Dofasco workers and we will continue to answer your enquiries and work with those of you who have shown interest in our union."
The USW represents more than 280,000 men and women working in every sector of Canada's economy.