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Steelworkers Reach Tentative Agreement at Three Mittal Steel Plants

The United Steelworkers (USW) union has reached a tentative agreement covering 5,000 workers at three Mittal Steel locations.

The tentative agreement will now be submitted to the International Union for approval, then to the employees for a mail ballot vote.

Union members will receive a detailed explanation of the agreement in the mail along with their ballot.

The negotiating committee will also hold explanation meetings to answer any questions.

The tentative agreement would cover East Chicago, Ind., Local 1010; Minorca Mine, Virginia, Minn., Local 6115; and New Carlisle, Ind., Local 9231. The full negotiating committee — including representation from the three locals — met with Negotiating Committee Chairman Dave McCall, District 1 Director, and Secretary Jim Robinson, District 7 Director, to consider the tentative agreement and whether to recommend it for rank and file ratification.

Following the committee’s decision to recommend the agreement to the membership, the tentative agreement will now be submitted to the International Union for approval, then to the employees for a mail ballot vote. Union members will receive a detailed explanation of the agreement in the mail along with the ballot. The negotiating committee will also hold explanation meetings to answer any questions.

The date to count the ballots has been tentatively set for October 28, with the explanation meetings to be held approximately one week before.

"It has been a long road since we began more than a year ago. But with the unity and solidarity of all our members we reached the goal," said Director McCall.