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Steelworkers Ratify Contract at PSC Metals, Ending Lockout

During the week ending 8 August 2014, the company's board of directors formally approved the contract, which includes economic and contract language improvements for the hourly workforce, and the USW withdrew unfair labor practice charges it previously filed with Region 8 of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
USW District 1 Director David McCall praised the members of Local 3610-02 for their solidarity and determination to fight for fairness at the bargaining table.
"Our members and negotiating committee deserve tremendous credit for standing together in the face of their billionaire employer's attempt to gut their contract and starve their families into accepting unnecessary concessions," McCall said. "I'm proud that our solidarity resulted in an agreement that will return them to work with the dignity and respect they've earned."
Locked-out workers were recalled to their jobs at PSC Metals beginning the week of 11 August.

The USW represents 850,000 men and women employed in metals, mining, pulp and paper, rubber, chemicals, glass, auto supply and the energy-producing industries, along with a growing number of workers in public sector and service occupations.