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Steelworkers Express Concern over Stelco’s Strategic Review

Stelco’s announcement that it is engaged in strategic review is cause for concern, according to Ken Neumann, United Steelworkers' (USW) National Director. In his comments, Neumann noted the recent struggles to save the company, its workforce, and its retirees' pensions during the lengthy restructuring process.
"Our goals with respect to our members' and retirees' interests have not changed," said Neumann. "If this review results in a sale or a merger, we expect to be involved in making sure that no action is taken on the backs of workers and retirees."
Neumann said a company’s statement does little to dispel the speculation that Stelco is already up for sale or soon will be. "Every indication is that Stelco is getting ready to entertain bidders," said Neumann.
"This could well be another blow to Canada's industrial base," he said. "Foreign takeovers in mining, steel and other industries are turning Canada into a cash cow for global interests. Where does all this leave Canadian workers?"
Neumann said that, whatever the future holds for the company, the union expects any owner or owners to live up to the following commitments:
  1. Respect for USW members, the union, and its collective agreements;
  2. Honor all obligations with respect to benefits and pensions for active and retired workers;
  3. Commit to the full and effective utilization, training and development of the existing workforce, rather than the use of outside contractors;
  4. No erosion of the union's involvement and significant workplace role in health, safety and the environment;
  5. Commit to continued operation of all facilities and to substantial reinvestment in all operations;
  6. Full and immediate disclosure of corporate plans and of potential community, employment and environmental impacts of any corporate transaction;
  7. Respect for the voice of workers and commitment to union-management dialogue, including a forum that incorporates local union leadership;
  8. Union involvement in any sale of the company.
"Our mission and responsibility is to protect workers and retirees regardless of ownership," said Neumann.