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Steelscape, California Steel Honored as Good Corporate Citizens

California Steel and Steelscape were among 435 companies that were sent Certificates of Recognition by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County for being “good corporate citizens” for the year 2006.
According to the Sanitation Districts, these companies were consistent in their compliance with all their industrial wastewater discharge requirements in 2006. They met their limits for wastewater discharge, they were free from any notices of violation, they maintained their environmental equipment, and they fulfilled their permit requirements. Sixty-one of these companies have received this recognition consecutively for the last five or more years.
“These 435 businesses are our industrial role models,” notes Steve Maguin, Chief Engineer and General Manager of the Sanitation Districts. “We appreciate their effort because it makes our job of running a huge wastewater collection and treatment system so much easier.” Mr. Maguin announced the certificate awardees at the meetings of the Boards of Directors of the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County.
“We hope this will become an award that is sought after by industry and recognized by the public,” noted Sam Bell, Vice President of Metal Surfaces, Inc., of Bell Gardens and chair of the Industry Advisory Council. “It provides further incentive for companies to meet Districts’ limits and regulations. The Sanitation Districts have always worked closely with industry, and recognizing industry for conscientious compliance is a further step to encourage companies to comply with regulations and protect the environment.”
The idea for the Certificates of Recognition originated with the Sanitation Districts’ Industry Advisory Council, an advisory group of 18 representatives from different industrial sectors. The Council and the Sanitation Districts felt it was important that industries with good compliance records be recognized. The Recognition Program is now in its eleventh year.
The Sanitation Districts are a partnership of independent special districts serving over five million people in 78 cities and unincorporated territory within Los Angeles County. The Sanitation Districts provide environmentally sound, cost-effective wastewater and solid waste management, and in the process convert waste into resources such as reclaimed water, energy, and recycled materials.