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Steel Tariffs Enabling Potential Mill Restarts in Ohio

Republic switched off its electric arc furnace in 2015 and halted rolling operations in the following year during the commodities collapse. But with the imposition of President Trump’s Section 232 tariffs, the company earlier this month said it was in a position to revive the operation. At the time, however, it didn’t provide any details on a timeframe. 

"We are in the process of finalizing a timeline," a spokesman told American Metal Market. 

Separately, American Metal Market reported that Acero Junction Inc., a re-roller that acquired portions of the former Wheeling Pittsburgh plant in Mingo Junction, Ohio, is aiming to restart the plant’s electric arc furnace, also a result of the Section 232 decision. 

“It is an ongoing project and very much a priority for Acero,” Acero Junction director Jateen Kapoor told the publication.