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Steel Dynamics Foundation to Fund USF Scholarships

The scholarships are a way for Steel Dynamics Inc. to reinvest in the community within which it operates, CEO Mark Millett said. The foundation has extended the scholarships to several area institutions.
"As an organization, we have been blessed with success over the years," Millett said. "We believe we have an obligation to share our success with the community in which we work. Fort Wayne is blessed with wonderful institutions, and this is a way to give back."
Six renewable scholarships of US$5,000 each will be awarded to members of each freshman class beginning fall semester of 2014. Scholarships will be renewable for four years. Applicants must be full-time students majoring in a four-year degree program in science (including pre-professional majors), business, mathematics, accounting or finance. Recipients will be known as Steel Dynamics Scholars, and must maintain academic standards and remain in a qualified major at USF to renew their annual scholarships. Scholarships will be applied toward tuition and fees.
To learn more about applying for the Steel Dynamics Foundation Scholarship, call the Office of Financial Aid at (260) 399-8000 or visit
The scholarships are part of the Steel Dynamics Foundation's investment in regional higher education in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, and the business areas of finance and accounting, to provide the skilled workforce needed to attract businesses, drive economic development and keep talented graduates in Indiana.
"We are delighted by the support of USF students shown by the Steel Dynamics Scholarship," said university President Sister M. Elise Kriss, OSF. "We have been strong supporters of the sciences across the years through our strong healthcare programs, and our chemistry and biology programs have prepared graduates continuing their studies in medicine and veterinary medicine. USF students in our environmental science program contribute to green initiatives for businesses and protect the health and well-being of employees and the public.
"The EPIC program in our Keith Busse School of Business and Entrepreneurial Leadership annually sends talented graduates into the local business sector to put their ethics and expertise into practice. The American Mathematics Competition, for which we have served as the sole host for the past few years, has attracted talented high school students to USF, as has our own Science Symposium. This scholarship helps us continue to educate graduates who will stay in our communities and businesses to contribute their skills."
The University of Saint Francis, founded in 1890 as a comprehensive university in the Catholic Franciscan tradition, offers more than 80 undergraduate and graduate programs through the School of Health Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Keith Busse School of Business and Entrepreneurial Leadership, School of Professional Studies and School of Creative Arts. In addition to its traditional courses, the university offers focused curriculum for working adults in Fort Wayne, Crown Point and online. Approximately 2,400 students from a broad geographic region attend USF for its academic excellence.

Source: Inside Indiana Business