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Start-up Commercializes New Electrical Steel

In a statement, Arcanum said its Opticore™ steel is specifically designed to meet the increased demand for high-quality electrical steels brought on by the electrification of the transportation sector, and the infrastructure improvements needed to supply the corresponding demand for electric power.

“This is an extremely exciting day for Arcanum Alloys,” said Dan Bullard, founder and chief executive of Arcanum Alloys. “This new grade of steel provides far superior performance to even the most advanced electrical steels currently on the market.  Opticore will ultimately allow motors to deliver more operational hours with the same amount of power or higher performance with the given amount of power."

Opticore is produced using the company’s proprietary Spatially Optimized Diffusion Alloying (SODA™) manufacturing technology. The technology takes basic cold-rolled motor lamination steel or low-carbon steel and infuses it with desired alloying elements, like aluminum and silicon, through vapor transportation.