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SSAB to Introduce New Organization in New Year

SSAB will introduce a new organization as of January 1, 2010, comprising three geographic business areas: one for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, called SSAB EMEA; one for North and Latin America, called SSAB Americas; and one for Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, called SSAB APAC (Asia and Pacific).
Up until this reorganization, SSAB has been organized based on both manufacturing processes and geography in the three divisions, SSAB Plate, SSAB Strip Products, and SSAB North America.
The company claims that this new structure will better support its strategy and the aim of reaching 50% niche products in the deliveries by 2015.
“We can secure our strong positions in Europe and America, while at the same time maximizing the development potential which we see in Asia," said SSAB’s CEO, Olof Faxander.
The new business areas will be led by:
  • SSAB EMEA: Martin Lindqvist, currently Head of Division, SSAB Strip Products
  • SSAB Americas: David Britten, currently Head of Division, SSAB North America
  • SSAB APAC: Martin Pei, currently Executive Vice President, Technical Development.
These three executives will be members of the Group Executive Committee. A new Group Executive position is also being established, as Head of Market and Business Development, which will be held by K-G Ramström, currently Head of Division, SSAB Plate. He will also take up the position as Head of Sales and Marketing in SSAB EMEA.
SSAB is a global leader in value-added, high-strength steel, offering products developed in close cooperation with its customers to reach a stronger, lighter, and more sustainable world. The company employs 9200 people in more than 45 countries around the world and operates production facilities in Sweden and the U.S.