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SSAB Rolling Out New Advanced Steels

“Within the coming 12 months we will release two new hot rolled, advanced high-strength steel grades tailor-made for chassis applications,” said José Puente Cabrero, SSAB’s automotive products portfolio manager, in a statement.

“The steels exceed 800 and 1,000 megapascals in tensile strength and offer a unique combination of properties for maximized hole expansion and edge ductility.”

SSAB, a maker of advanced high-strength steels for the transportation and automotive industries, also said it will introduce new cold rolled martensitic steels with improved flatness.

The company said the steel, which has a tensile strength of more than 1,700 megapascals, is being incorporated in new auto models. The company didn’t identify the vehicles.

The company said that achieving higher tensile strengths in advanced high-strength steels comes with a cost: lessened ductility.

“Now we are going to introduce new press-hardening steels. These are optimized to reach tensile strengths above 2,000 megapascals, but with retained good ductility,” Cabrero said.