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SSAB Named Industrial Company of the Year for Work Environment

SSAB has been named as the industrial company of the year in the work environment by the newspaper Dagens Arbete, in cooperation with Folksam and Swedbank.
In awarding the prize to SSAB, the sponsors cited SSAB Tunnplåt’s systematic and long-term work-environment efforts in cooperation with the labor unions. These efforts have resulted in an improved physical and psychological work environment and a significant reduction in the number of work-related accidents. SSAB says that it regards a contented work force in a positive work environment as crucial for economic success, and continues to work to achieve an even-better work environment.
Criteria for the award include low absenteeism, staff influence, sound psychological and physical environment, low number of work-related accidents, and company investment in health care and rehabilitation. During the year, the Dagens Arbete newspaper carried articles presenting the four finalist companies in detail. The three other finalists were Samhall in Hede, Södra Cell in Värö and Smurfit Kappa in Eslöv.
"We are extremely proud and pleased with this prize. We have worked very intensively on creating a safe workplace which is infused with a sense of well-being and pride in work,” said Stefan Enbom, Site Manager in Luleå. “Our work environment efforts have been characterized by a major focus from all employees and very good co-operation between the company and the labor unions.”
One of the important characteristics that helped SSAB's operations in Luleå to be named the winner is its clear focus on increased safety, with safety work conducted in close cooperation with the labor unions. The facility’s very clear realization that a sound work environment—with safety and high level of well-being and pride in work being crucial for a good result—has been considered to be unique. SSAB's well-functioning health care activities include a company sports hall, recreational activities for the employees and their families, and focused efforts regarding the work environment, ergonomics and health for all personnel. This wide range of health-oriented activities means that SSAB enjoys something of a unique position in the work of being a healthy company.
"Healthy and skilled personnel with a sense of commitment, well-being and a pride in their work represent a company's most important asset. We possess these things at SSAB and, as head of the operations in Luleå, I am pleased and proud over the skills and commitment that our employees constantly demonstrate. This is based on the SSAB group’s major commitment as regards these issues, not least from our CEO, Olof Faxander," added Stefan Enbom.
SSAB, a global niche producer of high strength steel with a leading market position and productivity, develops solutions in order to increase the competitiveness of its customers.