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SSAB Finds Its First U.S. Taker for Fossil-Free Steel

In a statement, SSAB said that Shape will test the company’s steel derived from hydrogen-reduced sponge iron in crash management and body structure systems. 

“We are excited to welcome Shape as our first partner for fossil-free steel in the U.S. and look forward to jointly exploring ways to mitigate climate change,” said SSAB president and chief executive Martin Lindqvist. “Demand for fossil-free steel is increasing, which is one of the reasons for SSAB to bring forward its green transition with the ambition to largely eliminate carbon dioxide emissions around 2030.”

Shape president and chief executive Mark White said the new partnership is in keeping with its goal to be carbon-free by 2035. 

“I am extremely excited to partner with SSAB to commercialize their new fossil free HYBRIT steel technology and to be first to market in crash management and body structure applications for our customers. We see this as a win for our customers, a win for the environment and a win for Shape,” said White.