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SMS Siemag Starts Up Ecoplants Special Steel Plant at Fuxin Special Steel

It is the first stainless steel plant in the world to utilize the waste heat from the AOD converter and the electric arc furnace. Fuxin Special Steel benefits from reducing emissions by 60,000 tons of CO2 per year.
The new works, designed with a production capacity of 720,000 tons of steel per yearincludes a special steel plant, a continuous slab caster and environmental facilities for gas cleaning and energy recovery.

Pictured above: The Fuxin Special Steel Plant is
the world's first implementation of the new environmental concept from SMS Siemag.
The X-Melt® steel plant consists of a 160-ton EAF with tapping spout, a 180-ton AOD-L converter and a 180-ton ladle furnace. The AOD converter is relined by means of a special changing car. The converter vessel is changed twice as quickly as with the conventional method, thus minimizing downtimes.
The steel plant satisfies stringent environmental protection standards. The primary emissions are extracted via cooled stacks and fed to two bag filters. The EAF and the AOD converter are provided with enclosures for efficient capture of the dust-laden secondary emissions. Additional dust produced will be captured and extracted.
The filters of the gas cleaning systems are designed for more than 2.3 million cubic meters of air per hour.
The steelworks is equipped with an Ecoplants energy recovery system, utilizing the thermal energy of the hot waste gases of more than 2,000 degree Celsius from the EAF and AOD in order to produce steam. This steam is fed into the network and used for cooling electrical units, for example.
The energy recovery systems provide around 36 tons of saturated steam per hour, which is fed into the steam network of the plant.
The range of grades produced by the steelworks comprises ferritic, austenitic and martensitic stainless steels, which are processed on the X-Cast® continuous caster to provide slabs in thicknesses of 200 or 220 millimeters. During casting, the width can be set steplessly from 800 to 1,600 millimeters.
The continuous caster is equipped with Intelligent ISC® modules (Intelligent Slab Casting).These include the hydraulically driven resonance oscillator and the position-controlled CYBERLINK segments.
The electromagnetic strand stirrer (EMS), developed by SMS Siemag and SMS Elotherm, is used for manufacturing very high-quality slabs. EMS enables the formation of fine-grained, globular and homoge-neous microstructures and increases the process flexibility and the flow rate. The technologies developed by SMS Siemag ensure the internal quality and surface quality of the stainless steel slabs.
Fuxin Special Steel Co. Ltd. is part of the Formosa Plastics Group, a private company group with head office in Taipeh, Taiwan.

Ecoplants is SMS Siemag’s hallmark for sustainable solutions. It shows that the company recognizes that sustainability has become a key growth factor for its customers — for both economic and ecological reasons. Economic because saving energy and raw material reduces costs, and ecological because protecting resources is becoming increasingly more important. Ecoplants solutions give due consideration to both aspects, SMS says.