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SMS Siemag Modernizing Caster Head for Salzgitter Flachstahl

The aim of the revamp is to make the casting process safer and hence increase plant availability.
For this purpose, SMS Siemag is delivering a new mold, a hydraulic resonance oscillator, tailored to fit into the limited installation space, and the first segment. The existing cooling chamber, the hydraulic equipment, the utilities supply as well as the electrical and automation systems will be adapted by SMS Siemag as part of the customer-specific modernization concept.
SMS Siemag is implementing its newly developed "Delta Speed Adjustment" process in the plant, by way of which slab widths can be adjusted efficiently and with a high degree of flexibility. With Delta Speed Adjustment, the taper of the narrow faces is adjusted simultaneously with the width change itself. This saves time and shortens the transition length. Furthermore, the casting speed does not have to be reduced for the adjustment process, and the planned production is hence not impaired. A smooth transition is especially important when it comes to crack-critical grades.
Installation and commissioning will take place during a planned plant shutdown in September 2015.
At its Salzgitter works, SZFG operates four continuous casting machines, all of which were supplied by SMS Siemag. Continuous caster No. 2 was built by SMS Siemag in 1973.
SMS Siemag already delivered and installed a new ladle turret on continuous caster No. 2 in 2013.

Pictured above: The casting floor and ladle turret of continuous caster No. 2 
at Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH's Salzgitter location.