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SMS Meer to Supply Wire Rod Outlet for Chinese Special Steel Mill

The Chinese company Jiangsu Shenyuan Special Steel from Shenyuan, Jiangsu Province, has awarded an order to SMS Meer for the supply of the wire rod outlet of a special steel rolling mill. The mill has an annual production capacity of more than 180,000 tonnes and rolls top-quality stainless steels and high-grade valve steels.
Diameters from 5.5 to 20 mm are produced with a maximum capacity of 60 t/h and maximum 70 m/s. The envisaged expansion of the mill to include bar steel in coils will cover a size range from 21 to 40 mm in diameter.
The wire rod section consists of compact CL stands in H/V arrangement renowned for their especially high load-bearing capacity. Installed downstream are an eight-stand wire-rod finishing block, a pinch-roll unit and a loop laying head as well as the LCC® (Loop Cooling Conveyor). The LCC® is designed in such a way that the heated wire rod coils can be collected directly downstream of the laying head in order to subsequently feed them to an inline heat treatment system.
Commissioning is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2013.
Pictured below: Loop laying head.