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SMS group Lands Order for Ring Roller

SMS group said in an announcement that the machine will be capable of producing rings in widths of up to 1,500 mm, enabling Wuxi Paike to efficiently manufacture engine rings for the next generation of jet engines.  

“SMS group's decades of experience in ring rolling machine engineering and its significant technological edge over the competition were crucial factors in our decision to award the contract for the ring rolling machine to SMS group,” Wuxi Paike executives said. 

The machine will be capable of generating radial rolling forces of 1,000 tons and an axial forces of 800 tons. It will roll titanium and nickel-based alloy rings, as well as carbon steel rings in diameters of up to 10 m. 

SMS will supply not only the machine itself but the electrical equipment, hydraulics, rolling tools, and a production software and technology package.