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SMS group Details 1.5-Million-Ton Beam Mill 

According to SMS group, the medium-section mill will be capable of producing 1.5 million metric tons annually and will make the Duferco plant one of Europe’s most important centers of steel beam production.  

“Our main goals are to set new standards in customer service, maximize the overall process efficiency and become (the lowest-cost) producer in Europe,” said Antonio Gozzi, president of Duferco Italia Holding. “We are committed to making beam production more sustainable, meeting the highest standards in environmental protection and safety.”

In addition to the equipment, SMS group will provide the electrical and automation systems up to level 2.

SMS group also said it will equip the mill with its DataFactory system, which combines information from the product tracking system with production data in the plant.  

“In this way, a product genealogy will be created, which is the basis for digitalizing the complete production process and – through the use of artificial intelligence – will be setting new benchmarks in digitalization,” SMS group said.  

The EUR180 million mill is to be powered by renewable energy under terms of a green power purchase agreement. 

The mill had been under joint ownership between Duferco and Nucor Corp. Nucor, however, divested its ownership stake last year, giving Duferco full control of the business. Duferco last week renamed the business Duferco Travi e Profilati.