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SMDI Seeks R&D Proposals to Develop Steels for Use by the Energy Tubulars Industry

The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI), a business unit of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), is seeking R&D proposals to develop steels expected to be required for future manufacture of pipes and tubes for the oil and gas industry.
The North American oil and gas industry uses steel extensively and, in particular, pipes of various sizes in extraction, refining and transportation of its products. Currently, there are 15,000 miles of pipes with ranges from 16” to 56” OD installed for transportation of products. In addition to this, pipes are used for drilling, casing and other activities. With the increase in demand for oil and natural gas, new technologies are being used by the oil and gas industry to recover new reserves with different environments. This in turn demands increased properties of steels that can be used. The aim of this research project is to define characteristics of 2025 steel criteria as listed in the table below as well as process changes to produce them.
Scope of Work
The research consists of developing steels with properties expected to be needed by 2025 as well as identifying the possible processes to manufacture such steels. This project also involves establishing current volume and trends of the steels used today. This would require coordination with the pipe manufacturers, oil and gas industry and also information from welding specialists and other ancillary product manufacturers. Brief information on issues that need to be addressed is as follows:
  • Current market information — consumption by grade and size for both line pipe and OCTG — [2007–2011]
  • Non-availability of thick walled mechanical tubing with restricted phosphorus and sulfur
  • Requirement of future steels to handle 50,000 to 75,000 psi pressure
  • Future requirement of high temperature/high performance steels with corrosion resistance limitations
  • Requirement for improved impact test values
  • Weldability issues for pipes to forgings and fittings including failure rate of welds
  • Heat treatment requirements
  • Issues with regard to alloy bolting and corrosion resistant allows
A comparison of current values to anticipated 2025 requirements of some of the properties and performance criteria for pipes and tubes used by the oil and gas industry is shown here. It is only indicative and the researcher is expected to fill in the gaps in information and add other criteria. The values for the criteria could be different for line pipes used for transportation of products and for OCTG used in the extraction of the products. The researcher is expected to establish them for each category separately.
The pipe and tubing manufactured using the steels that are developed should meet or exceed the criteria established.
Typical chemistries of steels that are currently being used by the oil and gas industry are presented on a table here.
Submission Process
You may provide multiple proposals. All proposals submitted to SMDI will be carefully reviewed for funding consideration; however, acceptance of a proposal does not guarantee funding.
SMDI proposal submission guidelines are described here. Proposals must be submitted electronically in Word format to on or before 22 February 2013.
Visit the SMDI website for more information.