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Siemens to Modernize Caster for ThyssenKrupp Steel

ThyssenKrupp Steel recently placed an order with Siemens Metals Technologies to modernize the continuous caster at the Duisburg-Bruckhausen facility’s oxygen steelworks.
The Duisburg-Bruckhausen facility’s twin-strand caster has an annual production capacity of around three million tonnes, making it one of the largest of its kind in the world. It is fed by two 380-tonne converters, and the result slabs—with a width of up to 2.6 meters—are processed immediately after leaving the caster. The caster’s close interrelationship with both upstream and downstream process steps places high demands on the automation and control systems, especially in terms of availability, clarity and ease of operator control.
As part of the project, Siemens will outfit the caster with new basic and process automation systems, a new control system, and new process computers. The integrated automation solution will replace the Simatic S5-based equipment that was originally supplied by Siemens in 1996.
Siemens’ automation solution centers on the Simatic PCS7 control system, which will also incorporate the equipment-specific user functions. The user system will also be supplemented with diverse new functions, including DynaWidth for rapid online change of the slab width and DynaFlex for hydraulic mold oscillation. The system will also incorporate the fuzzy-logic mold level control function that the facility has used as part of the Simatic PCS7 since 1996.
The use of standardized hardware and software components for the basic and process automation enables the creation of an integrated, fault-tolerant and user-friendly solution that provides optimum support to the personnel in all operating modes. All basic and process automation functions that are important for production will be implemented redundantly to guarantee a very high level of availability.
The automation solution’s redundant structure will also allow retooling without interruptions in the production process. All the modernization steps can be carried out within planned production down times.
Modernization of the continuous caster, which has an order volume of several million euros, is scheduled for completion in May 2009.
The Siemens Industry Sector is leading international supplier of production, transportation and building systems. The Sector comprises six Divisions: Building Technologies, Industry Automation, Industry Solutions, Mobility, Drive Technologies and Osram. In fiscal 2007 (ended September 30), Siemens Industry generated sales of around €40 billion (unconsolidated) with approximately 209,000 employees worldwide.
With the business activities of Siemens VAI Metal Technologies, Austria, Siemens Water Technologies, Warrendale, Pa., and Industry Technologies, Germany, the Siemens Industry Solutions Division (IS) is one of the world's leading solution and service providers for industrial and infrastructure facilities. Using its own products, systems and process technologies, IS develops and builds plants for end customers, commissions them and provides support during their entire life cycle.