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Siemens Starts up First LiquiRob Robot System on New Posco Slab Caster

Siemens has started up its first LiquiRob robot system at Posco’s Gwangyang Steel Works on the caster platform of the new twin-strand Slab Caster CCM 2-3.
Capable of executing all manual tasks required for casting operations, Gwangyang’s LiquiRob system was designed to automatically carry out sampling and temperature measurements of steel in the tundish, and to conduct powder dosing. The new system means that operations personnel no longer have to work in hazardous casting areas, thus substantially contributing to improved safety conditions. It can later be upgraded to perform additional functions such as ladle-shroud handling and oxygen lancing of the ladle.
Supply of the LiquiRob system was part of a larger contract in which Siemens was to supply a twin-strand slab caster capable of casting 3.5 million tonnes of steel per year. The LiquiRob system is designed to improve production processes and operator safety for the new caster, which was started up in November 2007. The new system’s systematic robotic procedures represent a high level of operator safety and process reliability for the caster as well as new benchmarks in quality control and process optimization.
Siemens VAI developed its robotic system to automatically carry out all manual tasks on the caster platform for the entire casting sequence, thus allowing operators to supervise casting conditions and operations safely from the control room. The innovation helps to minimize operator exposure to such potential hazards as tundish or mold steel overflows, steel splashing, leakages and breakages, and hot metal exposure due to other material or mechanical defects.
Individual LiquiRob units have been designed to perform a multitude of functions in various caster areas. In the ladle-loading position, for example, this includes handling of ladle slide-gate cylinders and media couplings, etc. Tundish-area units can carry out temperature measurements and sampling, tundish-powder dosing, ladle-shroud handling and oxygen lancing of ladles, etc.. In the mold area, the LiquiRob is capable of mold sampling, casting-powder dosing, slag removal, and insertion of steel-quality-separation plates.
The action radius of LiquiRob can be maximized by installing the robot on a moving unit, which can either be rotated or linearly shifted. Equipped with a specially developed 3-D position-detection system, LiquiRob units can quickly locate and accurately manipulate equipment such as ladle slide-gate cylinders, media couplings, and submerged entry nozzles, etc. The robotic unit is well protected and designed for operation in the harsh environment of a steel mill.
Due to the flexibility of the system, LiquiRob can be employed in other areas throughout the iron and steel production route, including EAF- and BOF based steel mills. For example, at another steel works, a modified version of the system will be implemented at the steelmaking converters for sublance-probe handling. The next LiquiRob installation will be started up at a South American steel producer in spring 2008.
The Siemens Industry Sector is a leading international supplier of production, transportation and building systems. The Sector comprises six Divisions: Building Technologies, Industry Automation, Industry Solutions, Mobility, Drive Technologies and Osram. In fiscal 2007 (ended September 30), Siemens Industry generated sales of around €40 billion (pro forma, unconsolidated) with approximately 209,000 employees worldwide.
With the business activities of Siemens VAI Metal Technologies, Austria, Siemens Water Technologies, Warrendale, Pa., and Industry Technologies, Germany, the Siemens Industry Solutions Division (IS) is one of the world's leading solution and service providers for industrial and infrastructure facilities. Using its own products, systems and process technologies, IS develops and builds plants for end customers, commissions them and provides support during their entire life cycle.
LiquiRob is a registered trademark of Siemens AG in certain countries.