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Siemens Develops Converter Suspension System With Improved Design

With the newly developed Simetal Conlink 2.0, Siemens Metals Technologies is offering steelmakers an especially robust converter suspension system with minimum space requirements. Eight links arranged in optimized positions connect the converter vessel to the trunnion ring. This ensures uniform support for the vessel at each of the suspension points. At the same time, stress caused by heat-induced deformation is avoided almost entirely. Thanks to its simple design, the system is reliable and maintenance-free. Simetal Conlink 2.0 is an improved version of the time-tested converter suspension system of Siemens.

Converter vessels are subjected to high thermal stress during operation. The consequences are heat expansion and deformation that must be compensated by the converter suspension system. In the Simetal Conlink 2.0 design, the vessel is attached to the trunnion ring with four vertically and horizontally mounted connecting elements (links). Because of the link arrangement, the suspension is 100% statically determined in spite of the flexibility of the links. The system ensures

uniform distribution of the load across all positions of the vessel. Each of the links is mounted underneath the trunnion ring, where they are within the protected zone. This simplifies assembly and increases service life. The patented positioning of the links is the result of development that optimizes uniform distribution and minimum space requirements during swivel movement of the converter.

The patented H-shaped links allow simple installation, on-site welding is not required. All vertical and horizontal links are identical, which shortens the manufacturing time and simplifies spare parts management. The Simetal Conlink 2.0 system is completely maintenance-free throughout its entire service life.

The new Simetal Conlink 2.0 converter suspension system of Siemens: