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Senators Look to Block Trump on Section 232 Tariffs

According to The Washington Post, the measure would require the president to submit to Congress any tariffs imposed under Section 232 in the last two years. The bill also lays out a path for an expedited 60-day review.

“Tariffs are taxes on American consumers. They hurt American workers, families, and employers. Imposing them under the false pretense of ‘national security' weakens our economy, our credibility with other nations, and invites retaliation," said U.S. Sen Pat Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican and a sponsor of the bill.

"By passing this legislation, Congress can reassert its constitutional responsibility on trade and ensure Americans can keep buying affordable products and keep selling our goods abroad," he added.

However, the bill faces long odds and appears to lack the support of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, according to The Hill newspaper.

“It would be an exercise in futility because (the president) wouldn't sign it," McConnell said in an interview, according to The Hill.