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Second Phase of Cleanup Underway at Former Gulf States Steel Site

EPA’s Superfund removal action at the Gulf States Steel Site in Gadsden, Ala., entered into the second phase of cleanup beginning in September 2009.

The Phase II cleanup includes demolition of the power house and two slag piles on site.

Further assessment of the facility during the initial phase of site activity led to a request for increased funding to perform an additional phase of work. A pilot study to assess the potential to recycle the slag pile materials is underway.

Located in Gadsden in an industrial park, the former Gulf States Steel Site manufactured a diversified product line including steel plates, hot and cold rolled steel sheets, and galvanized steel sheets. The company began operations at the site on February 1, 1986, although the facility was previously operated and owned by other entities since its construction since 1902.

Gulf States Steel filed for bankruptcy in 1999. A site assessment and site evaluation were conducted at the site in 2007. As a result of the investigations, EPA determined that a time-critical removal action was necessary.